Our Customer Support team will not be available on Friday, March 28th from 8:00 am - 10:00 am EST due to a company event. All calls and email requests will be returned after 10:00 am EST that day. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you!

Support & FAQs


Frequently Asked Questions

What is AgCelerate?
AgCelerate is a free platform that lets growers sign their Trait License Agreements digitally.

Why sign digitally? Paper isn't that bad.
Signing agreements digitally offers a number of benefits:
1) It's easy. Sign new agreements with just a few clicks.
2) It's saved online. No more keeping up with old agreements; we keep them saved for you.
3) It's instant. For most trait providers, you can get licenses instantly. No more mailing and waiting.

What traits & agreements does AgCelerate have?
AgCelerate has trait agreements from dozens of providers. We are the industry standard for signing trait license agreements online. If your seed provider has a trait agreement, they're probably on AgCelerate.

Why are there two sites--one for US and one for CA?
Providers require that you sign for the country in which you are purchasing and actively using/planting the product.
If you are a US farmer, AgCelerate US currently hosts agreements for the following: BASF, Bayer, Corteva, Monsanto, Syngenta, Alta Seeds, Cibus, Dyna-Gro, FGI, GDM Seeds, Limagrain, S&W Seed Company, and Winfield United.
If you are a CA farmer, AgCelerate CA currently hosts agreements for the following: Corteva and Cibus.

How do I register?
Simply visit the Registration page and get started by entering your email address or phone number. From there, we'll ask some basic information - stuff like Name and Address. The step-by-step registration only takes a minute or two.

Why do you have to verify my identity?
We want to ensure that you are who you say you are - and that no one is pretending to be you. These simple questions help prevent fraud and add validity to the online signing process. Don't worry: we don't save or share any private information.

How do I actually sign an agreement?
The digital signing process is fast and easy, as it's handled via DocuSign. We automatically fill in any of the form data that's required - stuff like name and address. Then, you can "adopt" a pre-defined style, or you can draw your name with a mouse (or your finger, if you're on a touch-screen). For more information, you can check out DocuSign's Signer Guide.

Do I have to provide my farm's information?
Farm information is not required for registration. However, some agreements require farm data; for those, you will need to provide farm information as needed.

I have an account... but how do I log in?
We removed the need for passwords because trying to remember them is a pain. Instead, just enter the phone number or email address associated with your account, and we'll email or text you a short code. Enter that code on the following screen and you're in! Note: Suppliers and Trait Providers will still log in with their passwords on the Supplier Login page.

Is the registration page and login page the same?
The initial page is, yes. We know that it can be hard for folks to remember if they signed up before - after all, it can be years between agreement signing. So instead of asking you to remember if you've signed up, we can look up your email address or phone number and find you. If you have an account, we can get you logged in; if we don't recognize your contact info, we can get you registered.

What if I don't remember the email I used to sign up?
No worries! If you included your phone number, you can log in with that. If that doesn't work, start registering. If your name, address or other information matches an account, we'll give you the opportunity to recover your account and get you properly logged in. Once logged in, you can update your email account or phone number at any time.

What if I don't have an email address?
No worries! If you included your phone number, you can log in with that. If that doesn't work, start registering. If your name, address or other information matches an account, we'll give you the opportunity to recover your account and get you properly logged in. Once logged in, you can update your email account or phone number at any time.

User Guides

We have the following guides for growers and suppliers:

How to Contact Customer Support

While AgCelerate is designed to be easy to use, we understand you may still need some help along the way. We recommend reviewing the above "Frequently Asked Questions" first, as the answer to your questions may be found there. If you're still in need of support, you can contact Customer Support by:

Note: Customer Support is available M-F, 8:00am-5:00pm ET.